Between Earth and Sky | Virtual Exhibition of Contemporary Oil Pastel Art by Katherine Pieniazek

Arrow Marshland Dusk - Glōm Landscape #1 - Glōm Sunset Reflections - Glōm Hillside Blossoms - Harmonic Chroma Pine Ridge - Harmonic Chroma Grassland Haze - Harmonic Chroma Sunlit Valley - Harmonic Chroma Mountainscape #5 - Harmonic Chroma Mountainscape #6 - Harmonic Chroma Mountainscape #7 - Harmonic Chroma Mountain Horizon - Chilltop Radiance Valley Bloom - Chilltop Radiance Mountainscape #1 - Chilltop Radiance Mountainscape #2 - Chilltop Radiance Mountainscape #3 - Chilltop Radiance Mountainscape #4 - Chilltop Radiance Inching Moss - Peridot Incandescence Heathered Valley Trails - Peridot Incandescence Valleyscape #1 - Peridot Incandescence Valleyscape #2 - Peridot Incandescence Riverside Undergrowth - Peridot Incandescence Valleyscape #3 - Peridot Incandescence Valleyscape #4 - Peridot Incandescence Skyscape #1 - Windows Reboot Skyscape #2 - Windows Reboot Skyscape #3 - Windows Reboot Recovery Mode Clouds - Windows Reboot Blue Screen Horizons - Windows Reboot